This page liste some useful link for the users of the experimental areas.
We encourage all the users to have a look at the test beam check list which provide you all the information you need for your installation.
- User meeting general information videos
- Infrastructures
- Radio Protection
- Safety
- Access
- T9 Beamline
- T10 Beamline
- H2, H4 Beamlines
- H6 Beamline
- H8 Beamline
- The Users Office Website
- The PS, SPS and AD Users Schedules
- SPS (Page 1) and PS Vistar
- eLogBook
- How to obtain a dosimeter
- Safety at CERN
- Safety Clearance Inscription Form
- Dosimetry Service
- Radiation Source Services
- Check you access privileges (ADaMS)
- Electronic locks instructions
- Access Rules And Procedures for Beams and Experimental Areas
- The patrol rights for the beam line (eg. "EHN1-H2", "EHN1-H6", etc..) are not necessary to access the zone, they constitute the right to perform a safety procedure in order to turn the beam on. Only the GLIMOS and/or senior members of the team will be allocated these rights. Before you request, please take the approval of your GLIMOS and the necessary training by the support team of your beam line.
- PS & SPS Access Rules & Procedures
- Transport Request (Arrival)
- Fill out an Transport Request when you need a crane or forklift to unload the material.
- For the North and East Areas you can contact the technical support M. Lazzaroni for :
- if you need a table for your experiment
- some special requirement
- cables
- please contact him at least 3 weeks before your arrival
- For Gas information please contact or gas support D. Jaillet
- Drawings of PPE zones
- TREC Link & Instructions
- Beam line status
- Introduction to CESAR
- Beam lines managed by the group
- How to control the North Area beam line
- How to control the East Area beam line
- For a deticated training do not hesitate to contact the operational support of your beam line.
This list is not exhaustive, if you need more information about something do not hesitate to contact the webmaster.